Thursday, July 14, 2011

Introduction of Nepal

Beautiful Nepal
Nepal is one of the beautiful countries in the world. Nepal is landlocked country in South Asia with an area of 147, Nepal is one of the richest countries in biodiversity due to its unique position and altitudinal variation. The population of Nepal is approximately 30 million. Nepal is the world’s 93rd largest country by mass.
Hinduism and the Buddhism are the main religion of Nepal. Buddhism, though a minority faith in the country, linked historically with Nepal. Harmonious blending of Hinduism and Buddhism .The capital city of Nepal is Kathmandu. The national language of Nepal is Nepali. A monarchy throughout most of its history, Nepal was ruled by Shah Dynasty of kings from 1768, when Prithvi Narayan Shah unified its many small kingdoms. The first President of Nepal, Ram Baran Yadav was sworn on July 23, 2008. The currency is Nepalese rupee(approximately US $ 1 equals Rs.71.27).The Communist Party of Nepal (Maiost) won the largest number of seats in the constituent Assembly election held on April 2008. The newly elected Assembly met in Kathmandu on 28 May 2008,and a polling of 564 constituent Assembly member with a Rastriya Prajantra Party which had four member in assembly, regarding a dissenting note. In May 2009, the Maiost government was tappled and another condition coalition government with all major political parties barring formed.

Geography of Nepal

Nepal is mainly divided into three geographical regions they are:
The Mountain Region
The Hilly Region
The Terai Region
These ecological belts run east west and ecological belts vertically intersected by Nepal’s major:  North -South flowing river systems.
The Hill Region: About the mountains and varies from 800 to 4,000metres in altitude with progression from subtropical climate bellows below 1,200metres to alpine climates above 3,600metres. Population density is high in valley.
The Mountain Regions:
Nepal is popular for mountaineering, containing some of the highest and most challenging mountains in the world, including Mt. Everest. The mountain Region is situated in Great Himalayan Range, makes up the northern part of Nepal. Seven other of the world’s 8000metres peaks are in Nepal: Lhotse, Makalu, Cho oyy, Kanchenjunga, Dhawalagiri, Annapurna and Manaslu.
The Terai Region:
Terai belong to bordering India is part of northern rim of Gangetic planes. There are three major rivers they are The Koshi, The Karnali and The Narayani.Chauria Range cresting at 700 to 1,000m marks in the limit of the Gangetic palm.

Sub division:
Nepal is divided into 14 zones and 75 districts grouped into five development regions. Each district is headed by a permanent chief officer responsible for maintaining law.
 Eastern Region contains three zones they are Koshi, Mechi, and Sagarmatha .The Central Region contains three zones they are Bagmati, Janakpur and Narayani. The Western Regions contains three zones they are Dhaulagiri, Gandaki, Lumbini. Mid Western Region contains three zones they are Bheri, Karnali and Rapti . Far Western Region contains two zones they are Mahakali, Seti. So these are the five development region of Nepal and 14 zones.

Our National Flag

Our National Flag appears to be unique in the world, precisely because of its shape. It has two equal triangles which overlap a little at the centre. No other country has a triangular flag. It consists of three colors-crimson, blue and white. It has crimson based with white emblem of the moon and the sun at the centre. In upper triangle, there is crescent moon with 16 emblems at the centre, out of which, 8 are distinct. The border of the entire flag is deep blue color. The sun and moon symbolize the existence of Nepal as long as the sun and the moon exist in the universe. The crimson color symbolizes valuable and bravery of Nepali brethren. Similarly, the blue color indicates peace, and tranquility and the white is for purity. In fact, the very flag continues bestowing life to our culture, religion and history. As such, we also have to fulfill our duties towards our motherland. The red color at the middle of flag shows the blood, white color whish is drawn as sun and moon shows brave and blue color at he edge shows peace in country and country people. So our national flag is very different in compare with other country flags.

Nepal's Religion

Our Religious Tradition
Hinduism is a religious tradition comprising the beliefs and practices of Hindus. Hinduism is followed by more than 80% of the population of Nepal. Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva are the main gods of this religion. Hindus believe Brahma as creator of the universe, Vishnu as the preserver and Shiva as destroyer. The main goddesses are Durga, the power, Laxmi, the goddess of wealth and Saraswati as the goddess of education. Other religious books include the Vedas, the Mahabharata, the Ramayana, the Upanishads, etc.
Dashin and Tihar are the major festivals of Hindus. The Hindu community is found primarily in Nepal, India and Bali. Substitution Hindus communities are found in Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Mauritius, Fiji, the Caribbean, East Africa and South Africa.

Buddhism is a major world religion, which was founded in Nepal. Lord Buddha was born in Lumbini district of Nepal. Buddhism is divided into two branches known to their respective followers as (Theravada), the Way of Elders, (Mahayana), the Great Vehicle. The number of Buddhist worldwide has been estimated at 150 to 300 million. It is the second largest religion of Nepal after Hinduism. Buddhism teaches nonviolence, peace, love and kindness. The ‘Tripitak’ and ‘Jataka’ are the scared books of Buddhism. The followers of Buddhism are found in India, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Burma, Laos, China, Japan, Taiwan, Tibet, Nepal, Mongolia, Korea and Vietnam.
So these are the major religion of  Nepal.

Beautiful Pokhara

Pokhara is very beautiful city of Nepal.This is the important industrial and tourist town provides fantastic views of AnnapurnaMountain to the north and is important place to organize Annapurna trek. There is beautifulPhewa Taal (Phewa Lake) or spend time in one of the nearby Sarangkot’s hotels (at 1500m.a.s.l).There different museums in Pokhara like: International museum, the theme of this museum is to cover the information of exhibits related with the man, mountain and the mountainous activities around the world. Annapurna   Museum also located as the Prithvi Narayan Campus east of the old bazaar name Bagar. Pokhara Regional Museum is located in Nayabazaar, reflected the ethnic mosaic of western Nepal. Barahi temple is the most religious monuments in Pokhara. The Pagada is a massive Buddhist stupa and is situated on the top of the hill on the southern shore of the Phewa lake.Threre is Devi’s fall at Chorepatan and Gupetswar Gupha , a soared cave. Mahendra Gupha is the largest  Lime stone cave. There is Bindabyasini Temple which is the centre of religious activity in the old bazaar. Matepani Gumba on the top of small forest hill above Matepani east of Mahendrapool . There is Bhadrakali Temple near the Matepani Gumba which is  
located at the top hill is one of the most important temple from which we can see the
views of Pokhara. So Pokhara is one of the most amazing place of Nepal which natural
beauty is  very attractive. From the top of Sarangkot people can have paragliding.

Amazing Chitwan

Chitwan lies at a western part of   Narayani Zone. Bharatpur is the commercial and
Service centre of South Nepal, it is the merger destinstion for higher education health
and transportation of the region. Chitwan National Park is one of the world’s remaining
jungles. Chitwan makes it a great place for nature lovers. Chitwan has over 50 different 
species of mammal.400 different species of birds and 65 different types of butterflies in
its hardwood Sal forests, rivine vegetation and ‘elephant garss’ savannah. Chitwan has about 150 Bengal. One horned rhino are also found in Chitwan National Park. There is Chepang hills in Chitwan which seems to be very beautiful. A newly developed tourism area providing unique opportunity for travellers isn’t so far away. Withness so local culture, tradition and embrace of Chepang culture. There is Chitwan Safari tour is mainly focused for Adventure wildlife safari tour of   Chitwan National Park in Nepal. There is
Honeymoon tour is specially planned to insure to visit most interesting tour places of
Nepal starting from Ancient   temples at Bharatpur .Chitwan is also famous for Saiyatha.Basically Rambag (Kabi dada).there is famous poet like Surendra Astafal, Ganesh sharma, L.B chhetri and many others. Tiger Camp has the best location just outside the villace of Sauraha. It is most safe and has peaceful atmosphere with deep jungle transquility. Most of the relaxing atmosphere with Gardens, Lawns, Roofs top Beer Garden and a high class and clean but reasonably priced  Restaurant and Bar. So Chitwan is very rich in flora and fauna.

Birgunj City

Birgunj city is also called the heart of Nepal because all the goods which are needed can be found over here. Birgunj is situated about 3KM from the Indian northern border Raxual. It is a main entry point to Nepal from India for routes such as Calcutta and Patna. Birgunj is near to India so it is an important land for goods to Nepal. Birgunj is rich in industries and factories also. Different crops can be grown over here. Apart from a few tourists who actually go to Birgunj to see the city, the city is simply taken as a stop over place for travelers, businessman and pilgrims going to other destinations in Nepal. But spending a day or two at Birgunj is recommended, and is worth it, to discover another taste of terai. The population of Birgunj is about three thousand. Many multi lingual and multi ethnic groups can found in this city. There is hot climate so man wear Dhoti, Gangi and women wear sari. People here speak many languages such as Nepali, Maithali, Newari. Maximum people speak   Maithali language over here. Hindi language is also quite common here.
There are many sightseeing places including Shankar Acharya  Gate, Buddha Chaitya, famous Durga temple, beautiful Ghadiharwa Pokhari(pond), Clock Tower, City Hall, Goddess Gadi Mai Temple at Kalaiya town etc.. It is also connected to many cities of India. It is also connected to Kathmandu by several air flights a day. The airport is at Simara, about 20km from Birgunj. Birgunj is also well connected by road to all cities in Nepal, and the city offers offers choices in luxurious to economic accommodation for travelers. Birgunj is also one of the most important city of Nepal and it is very beautiful city.