Thursday, July 14, 2011

Our National Flag

Our National Flag appears to be unique in the world, precisely because of its shape. It has two equal triangles which overlap a little at the centre. No other country has a triangular flag. It consists of three colors-crimson, blue and white. It has crimson based with white emblem of the moon and the sun at the centre. In upper triangle, there is crescent moon with 16 emblems at the centre, out of which, 8 are distinct. The border of the entire flag is deep blue color. The sun and moon symbolize the existence of Nepal as long as the sun and the moon exist in the universe. The crimson color symbolizes valuable and bravery of Nepali brethren. Similarly, the blue color indicates peace, and tranquility and the white is for purity. In fact, the very flag continues bestowing life to our culture, religion and history. As such, we also have to fulfill our duties towards our motherland. The red color at the middle of flag shows the blood, white color whish is drawn as sun and moon shows brave and blue color at he edge shows peace in country and country people. So our national flag is very different in compare with other country flags.

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